Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Book Recommendation

Recently I finished "Gaining Ground" by Forrest Pritchard.  It documents the first years of his efforts to save his family farm in Virginia by becoming an organic farmer.  Having grown up on a family farm, with both parents also from a family farm, this subject is near and dear to my heart.  It does my heart good to see that organic farming can be yet another way to preserve this important, and fast disappearing, part of our heritage.  The book was fun to read - written with both humor and humility.  I recommend it to anyone who is interested in family farms, organic farming on a small scale, or for someone who simply wants to learn more about where their own food comes from.  

"The family farm will continue as long as its existence is valued."  --Forrest Pritchard

Happy Reading!  

Here's a link to Forrest Pritchard's blog:  http://forrestpritchard.com/